Tuesday, November 29, 2005

toddler mystery #8,512

tonight mia chose broccoli over jell-o. orange jell-o, people! after tasting both not only did she choose the broccoli but she didn't want anything to touch the jell-o. as though it might contaminate the rest of her dinner.

switched at birth, that's all i can think.

uh oh, i peed on you.

ok, this wasn't today...but whatever...

mia had some issues with her poo the other day (too much turkey, not enough veggies...) and was a crying mess. so there we were - her naked from the waist down and crying and me rocking her in the glider, trying to calm her down. after a while she stopped crying and simply laid her head on my shoulder and snuggled. how sweet, i know.

then she stood up on my lap, looked me in the eye and gave me a sad "uh oh". then she peed on me.

so yeah, gross. but also? she seems to know that a) she was going to pee and b) she shouldn't have done it on me. so it's looking like potty training in the spring/summer might just be an option!

Monday, November 28, 2005

shoe soup

right now i am watching mia pretend to eat something out of her shoe with a spoon. complete with loud "mmm"s and sharing the goodness with the dog and i.

it's the best shoe soup i've ever had.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

happy thankgiving!

a super long weekend! mia got to spend thanksgiving with her super cool big cousins (and the rest of the family, but we don't really count - we're not as cool as the big kids) and learned all about cars and developed some new wrestling techniques. it was awesome!

today was spent shopping for hours and hours...finally ending up at the playground at the mall (what? your mall doesn't have a playground?) where she got to play with all the kids and stare in awe at the ones who could JUMP off of things and RUN and SCREAM! then it was on to sushi where mia ate and ate and ate (she gets that from her dad, you know) and then turned her nose up at ice cream (wherein we assume she was switched at birth).

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

"wah ou"

the heart, it bursts.

Monday, November 21, 2005

party animalllalal!

dad's birthday means a party for everyone - happy birthday, dad! saturday afternoon we had friends over and almost everyone had kids - it was crazy! ranging from 12 months to 12 years it was madess in the backyard with all the whooping and hollering (shut up, that's totally what they were doing!). the little ones just sat and stared at the big kids for a long time before working up the nerve to get into the mix. it was great.

mia's really working on words with "l" in them right now. it's hilarious - her tongue gets all tied up so she ends up just tossing it around in her mouth before it finally just falls out. josh and i ask her to say balloon and animal all day - it's that funny (well, to us, anyway).

Friday, November 18, 2005

thanksgiving feast

mia had a "thanksgiving feast" at daycare today. it was a disaster. after scheduling it an hour past their regular mealtime and 1/2 an hour into their nap time the toddlers were little zombies. josh and i went (as we're good parents who do anything involving our girl) and were instantly wishing we hadn't. we were the only parents there and mia lost her damned mind when we showed up. after 30 minutes of her crying, not eating and not taking a nap we left her crying with her teachers.

there was pie later - she forgot all about us.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

2 more teeth!

they're coming in so fast now there's no keeping up with them! she does seem to be grasping the "ouch" concept a bit more, though. she pointed to her cheeks and said ouch last night. without hitting herself!


mia's been injury free for days and days now! woo hoo!

she seems to be missing it a bit, though...whenever she hears the word "ouch" (and sometimes she'll jsut say it randomly) she hits herself in the head with both hands. what the hell? italked to her teacher to see if she had been doing it at school (we don't use the word ouch at home) and she looked at me like i was crazy. and of course mia wouldn't do it in front of her.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"sometimes babies just turn out awesome"

those were the first words out of dad's mouth today as mia tried to climb up his leg and get a hug. he's right. she's awesome.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

cake makes her crazy

we hosted a birthday party for mia's friend, katia, today and boy was it ever fun! people! boxes! CAKE!

now, mia doesn't get any sugared food, really. fruit is about it as far as sugar goes. but hooboy - a little piece of chocolate cake and she was a crazy person for hour after everyone left. mama and daddy just sat and watched her run around the living room babbling and spittling on herself. for an hour. it was so funny and all we could do was viedo tape it (hopefully it'll be posted on teh vimeo site one day) and wait for the crash.

and crash she did. no more cake!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


two teeth in two days!

friday morning mia woke up at 3:15 and just wanted to be held (who is this baby?!). for an hour she rocked with mama, wide-eyed. finally mama needed to lie down so off to the big bed they went. the thing is that mia doesn't really sleep in the big bed. she plays. she never did fall back to sleep but for the next hour she was content as long as she was lying on mama's throat.

and that was it...a look in her mouth later that day showed one upper molar coming in and the next morning there was another one on the other side.

what a trooper, huh?!

Friday, November 11, 2005


imagine this being said in a sad little toddler voice. it's the cutest thing ever and it only happens becuase mama makes fun of mia.

when mia starts in with the crying for no reason (food not coming fast enough, etc.) mama makes fun of her crying. and so now when mia starts in with her whining "for no reason" it quickly turns into a sad little "a-hoo" and then she giggles.

cutest. thing. ever.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

can you say spoiled?

oh man, we're in trouble. mia is totally spoiled at her daycare. seriously. they're going to have a hard time when she's in preschool and not so squeezable (yeah right, she'll always be squeezable).

it seems like someone is always holding her. or that she is spending time with one of the assistants (the awesome ms. jenna) in the office. they all call her their favorite and have been told by the owner that they can't say that in front of other parents. only they did the other day when mia was being dropped off...so embarassing. she's just too darn cute! and sweet!

apparently the funniest things in the world are mama's legs. she's got to crawl in between them over and over again, giggling. and when mama swings them in the air? oh she could giggle for 5 minutes straight on that one! silly girl.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

all the boys love her.

there is a little boy in the preschool at mia's daycare center named angel. angel has a little sister a bit older than mia but she doesn't go to daycare with him and i think he really misses her during the day because when we leave the daycare each day and he's playing outside he will drop whatever he's doing to come over and love on mia. then he follows us to our car and talks to her through the fence, trying to make her giggle or stop crying. he loves her.

today a little boy in her class, avery, was insistent that he give her hugs and kisses. she put up with it for a second or two, even giving him a kiss on the face. but when she was done she yelled at him. yelled. that's my girl!

another ouch report today. sigh...they told us that "if she would just stop climbing on things she wouldn't get hurt." oh well, not gonna happen.

Monday, November 07, 2005


that would be mia's new question? does that count as a saying? she says it all freakin' day. ah, the things we pick up in the toddler room. "dat?" (little finger pointing to whatever "dat" is) all. day. long. so far it's still cute...ask us again tomorrow.

Friday, November 04, 2005

accident waiting to happen

we have a friend who suggested that we keep a sign in the house counting down our "days without injury" - not a bad idea. seriously - this kid can't go a day without getting an "ouch report" at school. of course this last one was totally our fault.

mia's between sizes right now. she fits pretty well into the 12 month pants that she has except that her big ole panza makes them tight around the waist. but the 18 month pants are like 3 inches too long and hang all homey style in the crotch.

mia's a climber and yesterday she was climbing up onto the chairs in her classroom when she slipped and whacked her face on the chair. i don't know if you've ever tried to climb up onto something with your pants around your knees but that's about what it's like for her in these pants.

poor little mia. but until her legs get a little longer or her belly gets a little smaller she's gonna have a busted up face. sigh...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

basketball and snot. it must be fall.

the snot has begun it's annual run down the faces of all the kids at the daycare. and this time mia's part of the pack. she's yet to really get sick (small cold last winter) so this first winter off of breastmilk and in the toddler room should be interesting.

last night the bedtime routine that used to involve reading progressed to involve watching basketball with daddy while having the last bottle of the night. and she actually seems to watch it (she's not really much for tv at all yet).

mama is outnumbered.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


mia's been saying meow in reference to cats for a while now. but after our visit with josie (who has a cat) it's her answer to any "what does ---- say" question. tonight mama was telling mia that "no" she could not play with the toilet paper roll. mia wasn't listening (because she's only 13 months old). mia's hands were held down and she was asked "what did mama say?"



what mia learned from josie.

the screaming. oh, the screaming. josie has this awesome scream that sounds almost just like a siren. it revs up and is nice and steady. and LOUD. well mia decided that she would try this out since it seems to be working so well for josie. want out of the carseat? SCREAM! done with dinner? SCREAM! don't want your socks on? SCREAM!

no, dude. enough with the screaming.

it really only lasted until half way through yesterday. then mama and mia had a little talk and it seems to have stopped. for now.