Tuesday, January 10, 2006

go kings!

josh and i took mia to her 3rd nba game on sunday. the first time she was in utero and unimpressed, the 2nd time she was still an infant and, again, unimpressed. this time, however, she was a walking, talking, wiggling toddler - woo hoo!

she was pretty good about sitting on my lap (but not josh's...) and she developed a serious relationship with the garlic fries and mustard off of my hotdog. and do you know what's cool about mama's beer? bubbles!! dear god - she had her hands in my beer all night long. at one point i thought i would discourage her from doing that by having her lick it off of her fingers (because you know, it'll be gross to her, right?). bad idea. mama's girl, you know...

anyway - good thing it was a blowout because people weren't so loud (mia even started booing like everyone else) and didn't seem to mind a toddler squirming around and interrupting the game. but much to josh's dismay she watches the games like i do...eating and drinking her way through it while people watching and poking him to get his attention. poor josh. maybe the next one will watch with him.

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