Thursday, April 27, 2006

first day of summer.

yesterday marked the first day of summer here (as far as i'm concerned, anyway). it was 80 degrees, mia slept in something other than full body footie pajamas for the first time in god knows how long, we kept her ceiling fan on all night and this morning there was no need for a jacket.

it's summer. and it's only going to get hotter. ugh.

we decided last minute to go out to dinner and had already taken out mia's pigtails - we took her out in public like this:

a cry for help
one day she will pay us back by wearing her hair like this on her own.

after dinner we walked past a hair salon and mia stopped dead in her tracks. she stared inside for a bit then looked at us and pointed inside - grunting to be taken in. i asked her "do you want a haircut?" (like i have done a handful of times before when i have attempted to trim her bangs - to which she has always screamed no and run away) she grabbed the nest on top of her head, nodded and said "haircut." and cried all the way home when i wouldn't take her into the salon to have her hair did. for the next hour all i heard was a very pathetic cry for a haircut.


mia's latest and greatest saying:

(as she's running away) "ninny! ninny!"

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