Friday, May 19, 2006

low attention span.

mia loves for us to sing to her. she's particularly fond of "wheels on the bus" and will spin her hands around each other and insist "mama. bus." and so we sing:

us: the wheels on the bus go round and round..round and...
mia: shh. shh. (finger touching nose)
us: the mommies on the bus say...
mia: daddy. shh. daddy.
us: the daddies on the bus say shh...
mia: woof.
us: the doggies on the bus say woof...
mia: mama! la la la (the cue to sing the elmo song)

and so on and so forth. she can't be bothered to hear the whole verse. i suppose i should be grateful that i don't have to sing the whole song but geez, she's so rude sometimes. :)

1 comment:

toyfoto said...

I love that daddy barks and mommy shushes him. Great stuff.