Wednesday, May 24, 2006

starting over.

yesterday was mia's first day at her new daycare and it went GREAT! she cried for all of 10 seconds when josh dropped her off and then quickly forgot that she had parents at all.

when i picked her up that afternoon she merely glanced my way as i walked in the door. per usual. when i asked her if she had a good day she exclaimed "YEAH!" and showed me all around, telling me how they danced and played and went potty.

she took her first nap ever without her sippy cup and...get this...she even pooped. i almost fell down dead when they told me. they must think i'm a big liar. mia played "independently" and was a happy kid all day long, they said. no problems at all.

and when it was time to say goodbye? she cried. wasn't ready to leave all the fun behind and go home with boring old mama. and then she sang "E I E I O" all the way home. my kid sings now (of course this probably has a lot to do with josie singing the same song for 2 days, but whatever).

and then this morning she slept in. josh had to wake her up so they could leave. i'm in love already. who knew i would fall so fast?

mia really enjoyed her first day at her new daycare
in other news, we had a fun filled weekend with josie and her moms and new friends from inside the computer!
we started out by going to a baby gymnastics class with mia's friend, katia. holy moly was that ever fun! mia ran and jumped and played and watched all the big kids on the balance beam in complete awe. we're totally signing up for this class!
then there was naked baby swimming - and hoo boy those girls had fun! i certainly didn't think that they'd have enough energy to go to the park and then out for dinner. but they did. and how.


toyfoto said...

I am so glad. ... And pleased as poop.

Anonymous said...

oh yay! i am so happy it went so well! and geez louise, she pooped!