Thursday, September 07, 2006

not mama's. (also, she's hiding things.)

or daddy's, or charlie's, or yours for that matter!

mia is very clear on what belongs to who in the world as of late. she will point to things and tell me who owns them and i have to agree with her. she's already good at arguing her points.

lat night at dinner (without josh) she ebgan doling out the food: mia's chip, mama's chip and daddy's chip - which she placed at the empty space where daddy should have been. it sat there all throughout dinner just in case he showed up. she's a sweet one.


mia doesn't like to count. or so we thought. i think it's just that we're always suggesting that she count. and asking her how many things there are around us. so she counts to 2 and there area always 2 things.

but the other day i was folding laundry and she was typing on the keyboard and singing otuloud when i noticed that she was hitting all the numbers and the little shit counted to 12. 12! of course when i asked her to do it again she got a sly little grin on her face and stopped at 2. little bugger.

what else is she keeping from us?!

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