Wednesday, August 01, 2007


we have teeth, people. i repeat, we have teeth. and we hate them. they are evil and not really all that necessary.

so gideon's not a good sleeper. he's a sweet baby. he loves his mama (and her boobs) but he does not like to sleep alone. or without the boob. or while you sit. or for longer than 2.5 hours. that said...last week he started eating some rice cereal at night and lo! he slept! from 6:30 until between 1-3 in the morning. and then back down again until 6. it was miraculous. but then came saturday. saturday he decided that food was not only a waste of time but was disgusting as well. it's not a boob! and sleeping is also for babies. stupid babies who do not appreciate the boob. saturday night he was up every hour or so for a nibble and a cry. at 5 he was tired of talking happily to himself and nursing off and on. i felt a pinch, looked down and saw a happy, wide-eyed little boy stretching my nipple as far as he could and biting me with his very first tooth. "good morning mama, please wake up."

and so it began. there has since been little sleep. lots of crying. many fevers. and still no eating.

and tonight? tonight we have a stomach virus. i was laughing to myself as i wiped him down that josh and i used to wonder how we would know the difference between vomit and spitup with mia (mia who was never sick). ha! if you're wondering? it's not vomit.

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