Tuesday, December 13, 2005

road trip!

whew! we're hoooome!

friday night we headed to LA to visit some friends we met through flickr and a couple cousins. we figured it would be a good test run for the trip to new mexico in a couple weeks.

mia did pretty damn awesome, i gotta say. we drove mostly around her sleeping times so it wasn't too bad on her but even when she was up and going from car to restaurant to hotel to strangers' houses she was upbeat and having a good time. she even fell asleep in her stroller (which is no small task)! hooray for mia!

her head fell off

sadly, every time we pulled into a gas station, parking lot, etc. she would, every so sadly, say "hoome". but no, we weren't home. again. poor baby.

josh found the secret for getting her to sleep in the hotel (as she requires complete darkness and silence) - observe:

how to get a baby to fall asleep in a hotel room

sunday we went to hang out with mama's cousin dave and his lovelye wife, kate. good food! and the ocean! woo hoo!

seriously, sand is yucky

all in all a very good time. but we're glad to be hooome :)

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