Tuesday, December 20, 2005

she's here to represent the lollipop guild...

today we had mia's 15 month dcotor visit. here are a few highlights:
  1. there are fish and big kids in the waiting room. both are super cool and get the wide eyed stare with grin.
  2. paper on the exam table can be unspooled for a long time - and it makes a really funny noise.
  3. mia does NOT like having her head measured. she cried like a baby.
  4. mia does NOT like having her teeth examined and simply will not let you do it.
  5. 2 shots - both were awful but you get stickers on your legs and that's pretty cool.
  6. tylneol tastes really good and she would drink the whole bottle if i let her. i didn't let her.

stats are as follows:

  • height - 29" (10th percentile)
  • weight - 20 lbs 13 ounces (10th percentile)
  • head - 18.5" (75th percentile)

mia is officially shaped like a lollipop. shut up.

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