Tuesday, February 14, 2006


as you may have heard, mia has had some pretty adult poop lately. but even now that her diet is more balanced (less cheese!) she is having a hard time. you see, she's afraid of pooping. so she waits. and waits. and then? well it's a lot and it hurts. and so, against my wishes, josh has been giving mia cherry juice (cut with water) during meals. (you see where this is going, right?)

this morning josh and i blamed the terrible smell in the hallway on each other "you farted, nasty!" and i left for work. josh called later on to let me know that it wasn't a fart we smelled - it was mia!

she pooped in her sleep (something she hasn't done since she was a wee wee infant) and it was liquid and it was everywhere.

happy valentine's day!

1 comment:

amelia said...

awwww... poor all of you!