- cha cha - charlie (the dog) or her colors (crayons). depends on inflection and proximity to either of these things.
- ba ba - bottle (sippy cup) or potty (although it's evolving to fva fva- even though she can say potty, she won't)
- see! - sesame street!
- moo mee - excuse me (said after a burp or fart of if you should sit on her and she can't get up)
things i should have been taking note of over the past few weeks but didn't:
- when mia sees a truck she gets very excited and starts screaming "truck!" if you say that it's a big truck she will respond every time with "wow!"
- her favorite games include: yelling at you to "LIE DOW!", going night night under a blanket (if you don't have a blanket she will not relent until you get her one) and spinning in circles until she falls down.
- mia likes to stick her hands under her carseat straps and yell "i stuh!" (stuck) until you play along and she then shows you that you've been fooled and she's not really stuck at all (oh, mia - you got us again...). the other day supergrover got stuck in a tree and she started giggling and screaming "stuh!" oh grover...
- until just this week (and no, i didn't get this on video, either) mia was very busy shaking her finger and giving a firm "no! no! no!" to anything that she shouldn't be doing, the dog, the kids in her class, her teachers, waiters, etc. how'd she get so bossy? i guess we'll never know...
last weekend we went to habitot with our friends lisa and katia. there was water and paint and kids! a crazy good time. then we met up with mia's best friend, josie, and her moms for a romp at the park and a sleepover. can i just say that these girls are awesome? they love each other and play really well together (unless it involves baby strollers or wrestling) and are simply the cutest little girls on the planet. no really - see for yourself:
and as for the potty "training" we're doing? well...besides the liquid poop of last month mia hasn't pooped in her diaper in a couple months. pretty awesome. except that it's mostly because she hates to poop because, well, anyway...
but this last weekend she came and got us nearly every single time she had to PEE. and held it until we got her to a potty (which once involved getting off of the freeway and finding a bathroom)! it's really freaking us out. on the one hand it'll be awesome to have her out of diapers and not have to buy them anymore. on the other hand we'll have to be really on top of her going to the potty before trips, taking extra outfits everywhere we go (just in case there's an accident).
so basically? diapers are great because they allow us to be lazy. terrible, i know. we're talking with her daycare about being more in top of her potty training this week. the only problem is that, as noted above, no one knows what the hell she's saying when she has to go potty. oh well - it'll happen.
1 comment:
I love moo-mee so much.
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