Wednesday, March 29, 2006

look, no talk of poop!

the kid needs a sibling.

we picked up a table and 2 chairs for the little one and oh how she loved them! the only problem is that she can't sit in 2 chairs at once.

the first time she sat down at her "big kid" table with her snack and juice she ate a couple bites, got up, pushed in her chair, moved her food and drink to the other side of the table, pulled out the other chair, sat down and had a couple bites, got up, pushed in her get the idea...she did this for a LONG TIME before i finally had to go and sit down in one of the chairs. she just couldn't sit in one chair more than the other - she loved them both so much!


mia is now the proud owner of 5 lovely fishies. when we first got them 2 weeks ago she just stood there making fish faces at her new friends. as though they were having a conversation only they could hear.

"EEEAT! FISHHH EAT!!" and there is much shaking of the fish food and screaming. and so we feed them.

every night she kisses them goodnight (scaring the bejeezus out of them when she bangs her noggin on the glass) and every morning the first words out of her mouth are "goo moanin', fishhhh"


latest greatest phrase: oh, dada... (very exasperated like)

you really have to hear this to appreciate it (note to self to get it on video before it's no longer cute but just snotty). she's obviously aware of what complete idiots we are.


mia's understanding possession now. everything has an owner.

chair? mama's chair!
sock? dada's sock!
pants? mama's pants!

all. day. long. what's funny is that nothing is "mia's", which is nice for now because soon i know that all we'll hear is "MINE!"

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