Thursday, September 21, 2006

pregnancy - 20 weeks

"half way" there now. i've been feeling pretty good. the pinched nerve happens less and less now and the headaches are all but gone (finally!). i've ballooned since last month and am not looking forward to seeing how much i've gained. i know i'm supposed to gain weight and it's not like i've been trying to watch it at all (mmm....chocolate) but still - i had just gotten back into most of my "skinny" clothes and it's a bit weird to have to pack them up again.

anyway - here's the belly:

20 weeks

i love this shot. and i love that mia is just out of the frame yelling at me to cover up my belly. she's so funny - it's ok if i'm topless but if i have a shirt on it has to be pulled down over the belly at all times.

we had our big ultrasound on monday and it went well. the baby is in there alive and punching me in the gut all day long. we explained to mia for 2 days that we would be looking at the baby with a special camera and we'd be seeing it on the tv. she seemed to understand and was even getting excited about it in the doctor's office. but when it was happening she was very suspicious of the whole thing.

1. i had to put on a robe in the middle of the day when not at home. why?
2. i had to lay on the table. why couldn't she lay on the table, too?
3. the lady pulled up the robe to expose the belly!! ahhh!!!
4. tons of goop was applied to the belly and mia was not allowed to touch it.
5. she was touching my belly!!!!

we told her that the tech (who was awesome and why couldn't i have gotten her with the first one i had with mia instead of some eastern block meanie?!) was taking pictures with her special camera and we could see them on the tv - just like when daddy takes pictures.

she wasn't buying it. her eyes, squinted and distrustful, went back and forth from the belly to the screen for minutes on end. and then she got bored and played in the room while we oohed and aahhed over the new little one (who, by the way, has a mean left jab and isn't afraid to use it. josh just might get himself a boxer after all).

20 weeks

and after the ultrasound i felt great. relieved, yes, but also physically great. with mia i left feeling beaten up and bruised for days. not this time. thank goodness.

and it's a good thing i liked the tech, too, because it looks like i'll get to see her again in 10 weeks. the ob's office just called to tell me that they'd like me to go back for a follow up at 30 weeks because it looks like i have a low-lying placenta (or placenta praevia). and after a couple minutes of me just staring into space and trying to to cry at work i hit up dr. google to find that it's not really a big deal.

everything will be fine. say it with me, now. everything will be just fine.


toyfoto said...

Everything will be just fine!

Anonymous said...

oh, yes, michaela, everything will be just fine. this one is going to perfect, all the way through.

Anonymous said...

Everything will be fine. I had that with the Beast and it resolved itself by the end. No worries!!