Tuesday, October 24, 2006

back to basics

mia's been having a rough time going to sleep these days. last night was particularly difficult. she had taken a late nap and was excited about a new hot wheel car she had gotten that day. she wouldn't put it down. nor would she take it out of her mouth (these damned molars - it's like she's an infant again with the putting of things in her mouth). 45 minutes past her bedtime i finally just took the car away and told her she could have it back in the morning. hoo boy did that not go well.

now, mia's not one for throwing temper tantrums (i totally jinxed us with that last post, didn't i?) and it's usually not a problem for her to let go of things. but man, with the combination of car love and overtiredness it was not a happy scene. there was screaming and crying and her throwing her body from one side of the bed to the other trying to get past me and get to her car. i finally had to just restrain her. rocking her back and forth, singing her lullabyes until she calmed down. i haven't had to do that for about a year. and honestly? i've missed it.

so we rocked and sang and she calmed down and asked me to snuggle her to sleep. which i did. just another refresher on having a baby in the house, i guess.

and speaking of babies...we have another checkup today and mia is really excited to go and listen to the baby go "BANG! BANG!" in my belly.

1 comment:

toyfoto said...

That made me kind of weepy. She's such a doll, tantrum and all.