Tuesday, October 25, 2005


mia has discovered the joy that is charlie. everyday for 10 months now we've come home from daycare and acted so excited to see charlie, hoping that one day she would see how cool he is and love him like crazy. today it happened. when we came home she flew out of my arms to kiss his nose and pet him (ever so gently). hooray!

the poor dog, she won't leave him alone now. he has toes! and ears! and a tail! none of which will he let anyone but mia touch. good dog, charlie.

mia has also discovered the joy that is mama! finally! there are KISSES! and HUGS! last night she just wanted to CUDDLE. the mind reels. we were beginning to think it might never happen. seriously. she's just so busy busy busy and never has time to hug and kiss on us. and when she's tired? she just wants to be put down so she can fall asleep. even as an infant she didn't want to be cuddled. and so mama's a sucker and sat and rocked her and kissed her head until she was nearly asleep. there is no greater joy. yet.

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