Monday, October 24, 2005

party, party, party!

holy cow, what a busy weekend little ms. mia had!

she's learning how cute she can be and that it can keep her out of her crib at bedtime. she has just recently let us hold her for "no reason" (not transporting her, not feeding her, etc.) and will sometimes even dole out a hug or two! well friday night she was being beyond silly and had mama pick her up for one last hug and walk around the room. just when she was about to give in and go back in her crib she got very close to mama's face and stuck a finger up each of mama's nostrils. and then giggled wildly. goodnight, mia.

saturday mia woke up to her grandparents in the house. daddy's parents had come to town and snuck in while she was sleeping - what a treat!

smile, everyone!

she was an angel at the lunch afterwards and charmed the guests. people were amazed at how friendly she was - willing to go with anyone on a new adventure. yes, mia would be easy to kidnap...sigh...

that night mama and mia went to a birthday party for mia's friend, robin. he turned 1 last week! and oh my what a party it was. the party was supposed to start at 5 but didn't really get going until about 6. mia had been up all day with only a one hour nap under her belt and she goes to sleep every night at 6:30. well not tonight! robin's parents are from india and he is their only son. this party was no joke. at 8 mama tried to take the yawning baby home and was told that "no, you cannot leave. robin is tired too and tomorrow is a holiday. she'll be fine. it's robin's birthday. you have to stay!" ugh. so daddy was called came to the party (yay!) we tried again at 9 (just as dinner was being served). no go. and yes, mia was still awake. we all had a great time dancing and eating and carrying on.

we finally left at 11:30.

mia slept in for all of 30 minutes after her big party night...she's is SO into her sleep schedule! she was actually really good all day, too. she napped and we went to the park - she was in a great mood for having so little sleep the night before.

and then we tried to put her to bed.

there was SCREAMING for 2 hours. and then she woke up screaming in the night twice. poor little one. poor parents.

mia again slept in for 30 minutes today (thank you, honey!) and spent the day home with mama. her sleeping is still screwy from the weekend and she woke up in a terror from her nap and once already since she has been asleep tonight (though she went down without a peep). hopefully this is the last of it. it's like a terrible baby hangover.

she's been working so hard on her speech this weekend. right now everything is "nana". you can tell by the inflection what she means, but it's still all "nana". if you say something really slowly and over pronunciate she will then try to copy can see the tongue moving and her mouth taking on new shapes and then, ever so slowly, out comes "naaaaa naaaa". too funny. today, however, she mastered S and SH. woo hoo!

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