Monday, October 17, 2005

the great napping toddler

mia's been transitioning into the toddler room over the past week (much to the dismay of the infant teachers who swear she's "too little". we think they just don't want to lose mia. who would?). when mama came to get her today she was asleep in the toddler room. on a mat! it was the first day mia was going to be sleeping in the toddler room and the teachers were all very nervous (she hasn't napped well in the infant room. distractions, you know.). well they had nothing to worry about. she laid right down with the rest of the kids and went to sleep. she woke up before the others and laid quietly on her mat until mama came to get her. go mia!!

she did, of course, manage to come home with a large bruise on her face after she fell and knocked it into the table outside...sigh...but what can you do? she's rough and tumble.

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