Tuesday, April 04, 2006

busy busy

despite all the rain that's been dumping on us we've managed to get out and do some fun things. we went to fairytale town and the zoo a couple weeks ago and this last weekend we went to a friend's birthday party at the bowling alley. mia's an awesome little bowler!

the littlest bowler

she's growing up so fast and furious these days. her vocabulary is getting too much to keep up with - we're surprised every time a new word pops out of her mouth (and that none of them are curse words!).

lately she tells us "shhh...babies..." - the infant room is right next door to her room at school and they must shush them when the babies are napping. and now we're getting shushed.

she's also started hitting us. not out of anger (yet) but when she's tired or over excited she'll give us a good smack. sigh...

and she's a big fat liar, too. when she doesn't want to go to sleep (thanks, daylight savings time!) she'll cry and carry on about how she has to go potty. and when we take her to the bathroom (we can't say no - don't want to discourage using the potty) she giggles and giggles and doesn't pee. LIAR!

creepy girl

1 comment:

toyfoto said...

MAN, I so empathize: I thought girls had to be about four before they started lying (boys seven). But Annabel does the same thing only with baths. I have to poop. Nope. nothing. Big fat fibber.