Tuesday, January 16, 2007

josh here reporting post baby shower

So it's not unusual that I have someone call me over to discuss a computer problem in our sales office so I thought nothing of it when I got a call summoning me to one of the salesperson's office to fix a computer problem she could not explain. It was unusual to be pointed in the direction of the conference room when i knew full well that this salesperson did not work in the conference room. It was downright shocking to see all my fellow employees standing around a cake with a pretty yellow tablecloth and duckies adorning said table. And the shock had to be noticed by all in the room because I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and I literally could not speak or process that my co-workers were throwing a baby shower for me.

I really thought I was invited there for someone else's birthday party but everyone was staring at me so eventually it sunk in that all these duckies were for me. It was shocking on a number of different levels. First, I'm a dude, so all modern conventions aside where it's not unusual for there to be co-ed baby showers, it is certainly not the norm. Secondly, I rarely socialize with my co-workers and over four years working here I have never received anything more than a card when my birthday rolls around. This last point is mainly of my own doing, I just am not a real social guy at work.

So all in all, they completely surprised me and I'm certain I was terrible at showing my gratitude because I'm just terrible at saying thank you properly but I think they got the point that I was pleasantly surprised.

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