Monday, January 15, 2007

just in time...

...for it to not be ok. mia, the kid who could not sleep in our bed not because we didn't want her to but because she would want to play and giggle and poke us in the eyes? wants to (and can) sleep in our bed. she has crawled into our bed the past 3 days and then gone back to sleep for over an hour each time. which is great in that she's sleeping longer. but not so great in that we have a queen and soon will have a little one in there for her to squish and be jealous of.

and what are we going to tell her? that there's only room enough for the baby? that's just awful. but i don't want to tell her she can't climb into bed with us for her last hour of sleep in the morning, either. i've been waiting 2 years for her to snuggle with me in bed. can't win, i tell ya.

in other news, i'm still pregnant. which i should be, i suppose, as i'm only 37 weeks along. but still. the increasing braxton hicks and trouble getting around have grown old. AND (this one is for all of you haters out there - you know who you are) i got my first stretch mark. it's little and not too dark (yet) but it's still there. right smack in the middle of my belly.

i've just been a bit of an emotional wreck this weekend. no c-section - hooray! but possible huge baby which could then lead to a c-section. crap! also, i am really excited and anxious to begin labor on my own this time. i didn't get to do it with mia and feel like i missed so much. of course, they'll probably want to induce me soon if i don't start progressing since they think the baby is big. and i really don't want that at all. and round and round it goes in my head until i just end up on the couch in a heap. crying for no reason and telling mia that no, i'm not sad, i got an owie but i'll be ok. stupid hormones and fake contractions giving me hope of delivering early.

but anyway...

we've begun to get things even more ready around the house. bought a crazy huge amount of diapers and wipes, there's the baby meds we might need, the lotions and creams i'm sure we'll need, etc. and today? today we shop for snacks. i plan to fill the cupboards with things to snack on so i won't have to either leave the house or cook for a while. hell, i should do that anyway as i neither like to leave the house or cook - new baby or not.


toyfoto said...

First the stretch mark: Please check again. It can't be real. You are my hope. My reason for having a second, and a stretch mark you genetically shouldn't have is freaking me out.
(It's all about me, I know, how awful is that). Seriously, though, I'm sorry.

And really ... I am shaking my fist at the universe, willing it to send you to hospital with a perfect birth, no induction, no intervention. I'll even ask it nicely to comply.

Unknown said...

I think A told her how wonderful it is in the family bed... OR.. It's payback for laughing at me and the crowded bed! I'm sure the sleep situation will all work out soon. But really if you need anything just let me know. Need something to busy myself during this maternity leave.