Wednesday, March 29, 2006

look, no talk of poop!

the kid needs a sibling.

we picked up a table and 2 chairs for the little one and oh how she loved them! the only problem is that she can't sit in 2 chairs at once.

the first time she sat down at her "big kid" table with her snack and juice she ate a couple bites, got up, pushed in her chair, moved her food and drink to the other side of the table, pulled out the other chair, sat down and had a couple bites, got up, pushed in her get the idea...she did this for a LONG TIME before i finally had to go and sit down in one of the chairs. she just couldn't sit in one chair more than the other - she loved them both so much!


mia is now the proud owner of 5 lovely fishies. when we first got them 2 weeks ago she just stood there making fish faces at her new friends. as though they were having a conversation only they could hear.

"EEEAT! FISHHH EAT!!" and there is much shaking of the fish food and screaming. and so we feed them.

every night she kisses them goodnight (scaring the bejeezus out of them when she bangs her noggin on the glass) and every morning the first words out of her mouth are "goo moanin', fishhhh"


latest greatest phrase: oh, dada... (very exasperated like)

you really have to hear this to appreciate it (note to self to get it on video before it's no longer cute but just snotty). she's obviously aware of what complete idiots we are.


mia's understanding possession now. everything has an owner.

chair? mama's chair!
sock? dada's sock!
pants? mama's pants!

all. day. long. what's funny is that nothing is "mia's", which is nice for now because soon i know that all we'll hear is "MINE!"

Friday, March 17, 2006

18 months old. and more talk of poop.

mia turned 18 months old on wednesday but we were too busy having fun with uncle james to comment on it. happy 1.5, baby girl!

it's been busybusybusy at the klapow house these days. last weekend more internet friends came to play! 6 parents, 2 toddlers, one baby, one dog and 5 cameras. yes, the cameras DID out number the babies! it took seeing mia with lilja for me to realize that she's really not a baby anymore. she's a little girl. a little girl with a shoe obsession.

on wednesday uncle james came into town! we rarely get to see him in person and mia hasn't seen him in 15 months so it was a treat for everyone. plus we got to take time off in the middle of the week to hang out - bonus!

uncle james and mia

mia wasn't sure what to make of uncle james' tattoos. i don't think she was impressed, though. she kept looking at them like "um, you've got crayon all over you, dude. do you want a napkin to wipe that off?" outside of the tattoos uncle james is the most exciting thing around, though. he's all fun all the time! mia woke up this morning and the first thing out of her mouth was "uncle james!!" it was sad to see him go but we take what we can get.


and now we'll talk poop.

the constipation isn't going away. she's afraid to poop so she holds it in. making it worse. same story, different day.

our friends suggested that we try fruit-eze as their nephews use it with great success. we checked it out and it sounded like the perfect solution. so we ordered it! hope is a powerful thing and it was coming in the mail! wednesday night there was a package at the front door - the pooping solution was here!! all 5 lbs. of it! yes, 5 lbs of a raisin/prune/date/prune juice paste. so much pooping paste!

it tastes like raisins. mia loves raisins. mia will not eat the pooping paste. not in her yogurt. not on toast. not on a cracker. not from a spoon. not in a pb&j sandwich.

meanwhile josh and i have been eating small bites of it to show mia how yummy it is (it really does just taste like raisins) and we can tell you first hand that it works. even in small doses.

Monday, March 06, 2006

cabbage patch days

mia just rediscovered the cabbage patch kid that aunt nancy gave her for her birthday. she has spent the last hour totally involved with her.

she's so interested in the dolls parts - it's really cool. she'll point to the belly button, then find hers, point to her eyes, then to her own, and on and on it goes. and the baby has SHOES! take them off! put them on! MEASE!!! A CHOOO!!!

right now she is "napping" with her baby in the tent.

night night, babies

god i love this kid.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

she dreams of snow.

even though she doesn't know what snow is and has never met her east coast internet friends, mia dreams of colder climates.

today was another day where mia cried until we let her walk around the house in her flannel pajamas, snow boots, daddy's gloves and mama's snow hat. for hours.

and how do we not have a photo of that?!


for those playing along: baba now also means "pocket". yes, mia has discovered the joy that is pockets. things go in! things come out! hooray!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

what's that you said?

mia's got a lot to say for a 17 month old. unfortunately, unless you're her mama (because not even josh knows what she's saying 1/2 the time) you're going to need some help understanding her. and i'm here to help! here are a couple you would never figure out:
  • cha cha - charlie (the dog) or her colors (crayons). depends on inflection and proximity to either of these things.
  • ba ba - bottle (sippy cup) or potty (although it's evolving to fva fva- even though she can say potty, she won't)
  • see! - sesame street!
  • moo mee - excuse me (said after a burp or fart of if you should sit on her and she can't get up)
ok, that's really it. if you can't figure out the rest you just aren't trying.


things i should have been taking note of over the past few weeks but didn't:
  • when mia sees a truck she gets very excited and starts screaming "truck!" if you say that it's a big truck she will respond every time with "wow!"
  • her favorite games include: yelling at you to "LIE DOW!", going night night under a blanket (if you don't have a blanket she will not relent until you get her one) and spinning in circles until she falls down.
  • mia likes to stick her hands under her carseat straps and yell "i stuh!" (stuck) until you play along and she then shows you that you've been fooled and she's not really stuck at all (oh, mia - you got us again...). the other day supergrover got stuck in a tree and she started giggling and screaming "stuh!" oh grover...
  • until just this week (and no, i didn't get this on video, either) mia was very busy shaking her finger and giving a firm "no! no! no!" to anything that she shouldn't be doing, the dog, the kids in her class, her teachers, waiters, etc. how'd she get so bossy? i guess we'll never know...


last weekend we went to habitot with our friends lisa and katia. there was water and paint and kids! a crazy good time. then we met up with mia's best friend, josie, and her moms for a romp at the park and a sleepover. can i just say that these girls are awesome? they love each other and play really well together (unless it involves baby strollers or wrestling) and are simply the cutest little girls on the planet. no really - see for yourself:

what friends look like


and as for the potty "training" we're doing? well...besides the liquid poop of last month mia hasn't pooped in her diaper in a couple months. pretty awesome. except that it's mostly because she hates to poop because, well, anyway...

but this last weekend she came and got us nearly every single time she had to PEE. and held it until we got her to a potty (which once involved getting off of the freeway and finding a bathroom)! it's really freaking us out. on the one hand it'll be awesome to have her out of diapers and not have to buy them anymore. on the other hand we'll have to be really on top of her going to the potty before trips, taking extra outfits everywhere we go (just in case there's an accident).

so basically? diapers are great because they allow us to be lazy. terrible, i know. we're talking with her daycare about being more in top of her potty training this week. the only problem is that, as noted above, no one knows what the hell she's saying when she has to go potty. oh well - it'll happen.