Thursday, April 27, 2006

first day of summer.

yesterday marked the first day of summer here (as far as i'm concerned, anyway). it was 80 degrees, mia slept in something other than full body footie pajamas for the first time in god knows how long, we kept her ceiling fan on all night and this morning there was no need for a jacket.

it's summer. and it's only going to get hotter. ugh.

we decided last minute to go out to dinner and had already taken out mia's pigtails - we took her out in public like this:

a cry for help
one day she will pay us back by wearing her hair like this on her own.

after dinner we walked past a hair salon and mia stopped dead in her tracks. she stared inside for a bit then looked at us and pointed inside - grunting to be taken in. i asked her "do you want a haircut?" (like i have done a handful of times before when i have attempted to trim her bangs - to which she has always screamed no and run away) she grabbed the nest on top of her head, nodded and said "haircut." and cried all the way home when i wouldn't take her into the salon to have her hair did. for the next hour all i heard was a very pathetic cry for a haircut.


mia's latest and greatest saying:

(as she's running away) "ninny! ninny!"

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

bossy miss

mia woke up from her nap yesterday screaching. which meant that she woke me up from my nap (which was quite rude but i will forgive her because she's so cute). i brought her back into my bed to grab a few more minutes of sleep and after gifting me an additional 15 minutes in bed (not sleeping, mind you - there is much to much poking me in the eye and giggling to be done) she'd had enough.

"up, mama!" (poke poke)

"a GO!"

"no blanket! NONONO!!" (yanking blanket off of me)


yes, mia. of course, mia.

my heart, it swells.

i've been singing mia her own little song for months and months now, it goes a little something like this (feel free to sing along):

mia rose! with a booger in her nose!
mia rose! with a finger in her nose!

over the weekend the light finally came on and she jammed her finger in her nose. i couldn't be more proud.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

two weeks later...

josh's parents came over for passover and we had a very relaxing dinner and visit. josh and i cooked and recovered from another night of screaming from mia while babi and zadi were trapped in the playroom with mia and her blocks. everyone got to visit and josh and i got some peace and quiet. until around midnight...

mia is now 19 months old
in only 4 more months she will be 2. that can't be right...

after another night of screaming (this one a good 3 hour block) we had my aunt nancy and uncle bill over for brunch. yet another relaxing holiday! mia's too little and doesn't have any cousins around to teach her the goodness of the easter basket so we have been handing out the candy sparingly. she loses her mind when she sees the basket "BITE! BITE! BITE!" so we keep it hidden. yes, we're bad parents.

happy easter from little ms. cool

baby ballet
what? i didn't mention that we're taking a mama and baby ballet class? well we are. stop laughing.

it's 3 saturdays of mia and a handful of other girls in a gym. they dance and since and run in a circle. not really ballet. except for the outfits. oh the outfits! tulle and sequins and tights oh my! but not mia. mia is in sweat pants (what? they're pink!) and a tee shirt. again, bad parents.

so far the two times she's walked into the class she's had this look on her face like we're playing a joke on her. "no really, where are we going? and why are these girls dressed so silly? can we go outside now?" but then 20 minutes in she starts playing along and has a good time.

mia's first ballet class

maybe tumbling instead?

and last night...
it's been so nice the past couple days that we can go outside and play in the yard when we get home. last night mia spent an hour running around the yard with various sticks, rotting oranges, leaves, etc. singing her name over and over. "mia mia...mia mia...mia mia..." for an hour. too funny.

and she slept!!!! all the way through the night like normal. whew. so now i plan on wearing her out but good before bedtime.

run run run!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

very funny - now go to sleep.

daylight savings time and west facing windows suck.

mia's not tired. ever. she's been on a steady 6:45 bedtime with 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep for a long time now. and all of the sudden she's not tired. not at all. and has no intention of laying in her bed until her body relents and she falls asleep. none at all.

last night she was up until just after 8 with the screaming and the giggling and the lying about needing to go potty. i guess it's time to up the bedtime. that's really going to cut into our tivo time... ;)

the best part of last nights shananigans is that mia has taken to tickling us. so as we're rocking quietly in her room a tiny hand comes creeping up to my neck followed by a sweet little "tickle tickle, mama" followed, of course, by the giggles.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

busy busy

despite all the rain that's been dumping on us we've managed to get out and do some fun things. we went to fairytale town and the zoo a couple weeks ago and this last weekend we went to a friend's birthday party at the bowling alley. mia's an awesome little bowler!

the littlest bowler

she's growing up so fast and furious these days. her vocabulary is getting too much to keep up with - we're surprised every time a new word pops out of her mouth (and that none of them are curse words!).

lately she tells us "shhh...babies..." - the infant room is right next door to her room at school and they must shush them when the babies are napping. and now we're getting shushed.

she's also started hitting us. not out of anger (yet) but when she's tired or over excited she'll give us a good smack. sigh...

and she's a big fat liar, too. when she doesn't want to go to sleep (thanks, daylight savings time!) she'll cry and carry on about how she has to go potty. and when we take her to the bathroom (we can't say no - don't want to discourage using the potty) she giggles and giggles and doesn't pee. LIAR!

creepy girl