Wednesday, January 18, 2006

little baby no sleep.

last night mia went to bed a little fussy around 7 and slept like a rock until exactly 11:04. at this time she decided that she needed her mama and nothing else would do. she screamed her head off until i picked her up. then she snuggled into my chest, asked to sit in the rocker and giggled. after an hour of trying to get her back down i finally took her to bed with me (josh being out of town there was lots of room for her to squirm). after an hour of not sleeping her her giggling i took her back to her room. after another hour of trying to get her down (and i tried it all!) i took her back to bed with me again. she snuggled right up with me and slept restlessly until 4 when she finally settled down. at 6 i got up to tell work i wouldn't be in anytime soon (because just because she was sleeping well with her feet in my gut didn't mean i was) - sensing i wasn't in bed she freaked out and we had to start all over again. we gave up completely at 7.

mia's in high spirits. mama has a migrain and a pinched nerve in her back.

what the hell happened to my perfect little sleeper? i can only assume a growth spurt has her brain on turbo and she can't sleep. great.

how single parents do it is beyond me!

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