Tuesday, February 07, 2006


2 weeks ago we headed to san francisco to hang out with friends we met on the internet (gasp!) - a good time was had by all, especially the babies.

The end of a big flickr day

it was the first time we'd really seen mia interact with her friends. she's at daycare all day and there aren't any kids her age on our street (oh hell, there might be, we don't know our neighbors) so we never see her with other kids. it's been a couple months since mia and josie had seen each other - they have changed so much! no more walking past each other without a glance. now they play together! there was much running and screaming and giggling and holy crap i have a daughter who screams and giggles!

josie is mia's first real friend - don't they just look like trouble?!

sizin each other up

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