Tuesday, May 30, 2006

what's new.

mia's done with her first week at her new school, she got her first haircut and memorial weekend came and went. we've been busy with a bunch of nothing.

one week later.

mia's in love with her new school. by day 3 she was no longer crying when josh dropped her off in the morning and is so worn out at the end of the day she just wants to go "hooooommmme" when she sees me.

  • she has now pooped 3 times without screaming or blood. she still has the initial fear of going but that's it. once she gets going it's not a problem. you can't imagine the kind of stress this is taking off of all of us - it's wonderful. yesterday she was in the bathroom with me while i was taking a shower and needed to go poop, i would open the shower door to check on her every now and again and she yelled at me to close the door. she needed her privacy to make her "wow! stinky poopoo!" hee hee - she's growing up.
  • her vocabulary is growing more and more. she says "potty" now instead of the weird "fafa" thing she had going on. i give complete credit to the daycare as they actually take her all day long.
  • she has discovered the joy that is the sandbox. my house is compeltely covered in sand. the other day i went to pick her up and she was playing in the dirt and when she saw me she splayed out and pretended to be swimming. in the dirt. that's my girl.
  • she drinks from a cup instead of a sippy every chance she gets. just a week ago she was all choking and covered in water. ah, but now she's a big kid.
  • no more sippy cup at nap time!!
the haircut.

she loves it. some of you out there are all "it's crooked. it's too short. it looks weird." and to you i say - BAH! mia loves it. it has to be this short to keep the hair out of her eyes when she's in the water. and it's not crooked - it's curly. so there. last night mia spent her entire bathtime pouring water over her head. she is a different kid with the bangs. but holy moly she's not a baby anymore.

memorial weekend.
yardwork, gymnastics, swimming and the zoo. that pretty much sums it up. we slept in as much as mia would let us (we're teaching her to snuggle and relax in the bed instead of jumping on our heads - it's a long process) and just lounged around all weekend, really. a pretty perfect weekend, all in all.
my aunt nancy invited su over for a bbq and a swim - so much fun! lat year mia was a little lump in the pool. she enjoyed it but wasn't overly impressed. this year she turned into one of those kids that insists they're not cold as they're shaking and turning blue.
mia's first swim of the year

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