Friday, February 02, 2007

39w6d and bored.

according to the doctor i'm 1cm dilated and 75% effaced. which is more dilated than i was with mia at this point so that's something, i guess. but i've gained significantly more. at 40 weeks with mia i had only gained 28 lbs. this time around i have already gained 39. and i can feel it. i'm really not sure how i haven't broken a hip or tipped right over.

anyway...i'm bored, people. bored to tears. not bored enough to keep mia home with me, of course. no point in both of us being bored all day. and not bored enough to tackle the piles of laundry building up behind me. or bored enough to walk the dog (what? it's cold!). but bored enough to complain about it and then find something to eat while finishing up the blanket i started nearly 2 years ago. at least i'm getting something done, right? i was having more braxton hicks last night as i lay in bed so i started to visualize things progressing. but then i got bored and fell asleep.

so here i sit (while bouncing on my yoga ball), bigger than big, drinking double amounts of raspberry leaf tea to "tone my uterus" and waiting. just waiting.


toyfoto said...

I lub you for being bored, but not bored enough. My kinda woman!

Unknown said...

you can borrow C. she'll keep you nice and not bored

Nicole said...

Victoria thinks I'm going to be pregnant forever. I'm starting to feel the same way, as you are I'm sure. But we can't Really be pregnant forever, right? These kids have to get birthed before forever. Right? RIGHT?


Hang in there. Both of my girls were late. Don't they understand how this makes us feel when they don't come out on time?! My fingers were so swollen I couldn't bend them. Thats when I said DOC HELP! Get her OUT! The waiting is a killer. I'm sure your sick of talking to people by now too. I was sick of hearing "oh, you haven't had the baby yet" I was ready to punch someone in the face! Thinking of you :0)